Good Morning Family & Friends that are with us here this morning as well as those of you who are watching online.
What a year 2020 has been for All OF Us. In someway or another we All have been affected and impacted.
Some have lost loved ones, some have lost their jobs, some have lost their businesses or some have seen a decrease in the businesses, some have had challenges with their finances or challenges with their health.
In this time, we also seem to have lost some time. You might have seen the whatsapp messages going around “not count this year.”
But the question to you and I is this?
Are we to remain in this state of despair, despondency, depression, lack, insufficiency, struggles, toil?
Are we going to accept this position, or circumstances or this current state of affairs that has been thrust upon us?
The world has said that we are in a new normal.
Whose Normal? The world’s. Who set the normal?
Have we allowed the world to set our standards or should the church and the believers be the standard setters, based on the Word of God.
God has allowed and pressed the Reset button, as a reminder for us to get back to Him and His Standard and to His Word.
When I think of John 3:16,
Jesus did not come to fix things, but He came to replace it with the Kingdom of God.
He did not come to cover your sins, He came to remove your sins.
He replaced your Curse with His Blessings.
Isaiah 53:4-5
He took your curse of poverty and replaced it with His wealth and riches
Divine Exchanges.
This is the Year 2020. 20 is the number of Redemption or Buy-Back.
It is the number of a complete and perfect waiting period.
For 20 years, Jacob waited to get possession of his wives and property.
For 20 years, the children of Israel waited to be freed from Jabin, King of Canaan, who oppressed them.
I declare and decree this year 2020, Church, is the Season and the Year of Divine Redemption and a Season of Supernatural Restoration. Take it Now!
Acts 3:19-21
Church, as the Son and Daughter of the God Most High, El Elyon, you will never lose because He will Always Restore.
Joel 2:25-27
Amos 9:13-15 Notes
Not only will God Restore, but He will Restore Double for you in 2020:
Isaiah 61:7
Job 42:10-12…………………….You cannot be restored unless you have been stripped away.
Zechariah 9:11-12
Double Honour, Income, Reward, Provision, Fortune, Compensation, Anointing………………….Babies
Not only will God Restore, but He will Recover All for you.
1 Samuel 30:1-8, 17-19
Not only will God Recover All for you, He will make All things New:
Revelation 21:1-5
Church, for All of the above to manifest, you must Believe on the Word of God, Stand in Faith and Speak this into existence
Job 22:28 – You will also declare a thing and it will be established for you.
Romans 4:17
Ezekiel 37:1-10
I declare and decree that there will be a Supernatural Acceleration of Restoration in All areas of your life, Christ Kingdom Ministries.
You are a Chosen Generation, a Holy Nation, a Remnant, called for Such a Time as this.
He has kept you as the Best for the Last, this end-time.
Mark 10:27-31
John 2:1-11………………Wine represents the Covenant Blessings of God.
In this Season of Supernatural Restoration, in this year 2020, Covid19 has come to cloud your Vision and has kept things hidden.
But the Lord, God Almighty, is going to Clear up your Vision and there shall be no cloud over your Vision.
So get ready, Christ Kingdom Ministries, I declare and decree- what the enemy has hidden, the Lord will cause it to be revealed.
Get ready, Church, I declare and decree- what has been Postponed in the Past Seasons will come to Manifestation in this Season.
The Lord is removing All ceilings that have kept you and I down.
Finally, Church, Always remember…………1 Samuel 17:47
The Battle is not yours…………..The Battle is the Lord’s