” The church was purposed to be the most powerful people or most powerful organisation upon the Earth. We are the carriers of the Spirit of the Great and Mighty god, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. The same Spirit that created the Universe, dwells in us. The Church was purposed to do great exploits.”

Author: Pastor Anil Manilall

” Jesus Chris is the Blue Print for all Pastors and Ministry Leadership Teams. He is the standard for how leaders should: Lead, behave and serve. Jesus Christ is the most influential Leader to walk upon the face of the Earth. He now reigns as Kings of Kings and Lord of Lords and His Kingdom knows no end. Therefore emulate Him and no other and you will experience great success. Follow the serving path of the Saviour King jesus and you will be successful. Follow the flesh and you would fail.”

Author: Pastor Anil Manilall

” Marriage is an institution ordained by God. Marriage is a covenant made before God and in the presence of family, friends and others. The word covenant comes from the word meaning “bond” to bind two parties together, which is a formal, solemn pledge or promise and binding agreement. The promises, pledges and vows made to each other must be fufilled faithfully in the covenant relationship of marriage”

Author: Christ’s Kingdom Ministries