Please be advised in order for everyone to be accommodated, we have allocated different areas to our designated service time.  If the need arises, Christ’s Kingdom Ministries will schedule 3 services.

Please bare with us as this is a trial run, and subject to change. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

Christs Kingdom Ministries | Area Allocation

Sunday, 7:30 AM Service

We would prefer you to be at Church 30 minutes prior to the start of the service.

  •  Asherville
  • Berea
  • Bonella
  • Chatsworth
  • City
  • Glenwood
  • Isipingo
  • Malvern
  • Merebank
  • Morningside
  • Musgrave
  • Pinetown
  • Queensburgh
  • Resevoir Hills
  • Yellowwood Park

Christs Kingdom Ministries | Area Allocation

Sunday, 9:30 AM Service

We would prefer you to be at Church 30 minutes prior to the start of the service.

  • Clare Estate
  • Durban North
  • Kenville
  • Mount Edgecombe
  • Newlands
  • Overport
  • Phoenix
  • Riverside
  • Sherwood
  • Spingfield
  • Sydenham
  • Umhlanga
  • Westville
  • Areas not mentioned to please attend the 9:30am service.


Although we are so happy to welcome everyone back, we must all abide by strict safety precautions.

  • We require all congregation members to be at church 30 minutes before your designated service time.
  • Please remember to bring your mask as you will be unable to enter without one.
  • You will have your tempreture checked upon entry and will be required to sanitise your hands and shoes.
  • Although you will be excited to see fellow CKM family members, we urge to keep a safe distance of 1.5m, and instead of hugs & handshakes, please rather greet with your elbow.
  • When coughing or sneezing, we urge you to do so into your elbow as to keep others safe.
  • If you have any flu-like symptoms, we humbly ask that to stay at home.

This is new to all of us, and as we navigate this new path, we would greatly appreciate your cooperation